How micro-influencers can be change-makers in social media

How micro-influencers can be change-makers in social media

With the advent of social media and its unprecedented expansion in our daily lives, multiple social media platforms have popped up. This is where the influencers have arisen to power and fame, and a new breed of social media celebrities were born. Though mega influencers (>1 Million followers) dominate social media, when it comes to targeted reachout with authentic messages, brands rely on micro influencers (10000-100000 followers). Their niche expertise, authentic reviews, and research on the products have gained them loyal followers, and brands love to explore that uncharted path to communicate with their audience. 

 What are Micro-Influencers and what’s their relevance?

A micro-influencer is known to have a loyal set of followers ranging from 10,000 to 100,000. These influencers are at the heart of influencer marketing campaigns. Brands rely on micro-influencers because they have a more loyal fan base than influencers of any other level. This is due to their limited and genuinely interested audience. 

Micro-influencers are known to be more accessible. This means that they share a better bond with their subscribers and can effectively communicate the desired message. This makes them crucial for any brand’s influencer marketing campaign. 

What is absolutely crucial for brands when they rely on a micro-influencer, is that they need to be assured that the message is reaching the right target audience. 

 Benefits of Using Micro-Influencers to Extend Social Media Reach 

 With the advent of influencer marketing, brands are getting new avenues to increase their reach to their target audiences. But that’s not the only reason for exploring influencer marketing. A few other prominent reasons are:  

  1. Authenticity and Reliability

Most of the micro-influencers we see have built an audience for their niche from scratch and that makes them very authentic. Moreover, their ability to retain subscribers is also commendable in this case! Not to mention that their audience follows them because they can relate to their content, which makes micro-influencers even more beneficial for influencer campaigns.  

  1. Higher Engagement Rate

Brands can get the most out of micro-influencers because they have a high engagement rate for their content. Almost all campaign goals boil down to a higher engagement rate. And micro-influencers can help brands do the same. Micro-influencers are more engaged with their audience, which also ensures a higher engagement rate. 

Whether it’s responding to comments or just hosting a Q & A session, micro-influencers know how to keep their audiences engaged and active. 

  1. Impact on Conversion Rates

 When micro-influencers talk about a brand’s product or service, they are heard. In addition, their opinion matters to this audience. It just results in higher conversion rates. Besides the strong relationship they share, they are also known for curating credible content. This results in higher conversion rates.  

  1. Connecting with Niche Audiences

 It’s hard to understand audiences on social media. But with the help of micro-influencers, brands can easily identify who they are targeting. Micro-influencers are loyal to their niche domain and are quite knowledgeable when it comes to their respective fields. This helps brands decode their target audience and informs about the behavior of buyers in their niche.  

  1. Cost-effectiveness

 We all know the reality check; influencer marketing isn’t as cheap as it looks. The budget here also depends on the brands influencers choose for the influencer campaigns. Micro-influencers are cheaper than celebrity influencers and macro-influencers. Not only are they easy to pocket, but they’re also packed with results. 

  1. Emotional Resonance with the Public 

 We are all in awe of brilliant celebrity posts, but what brings us closer to content are micro-influencers who don’t have the status of celebrity but who have experience in a particular niche. Social media audiences are smart and need something believable. Their content is recognizable, and this is what helps grab the attention of the audience.

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