Pfizer RSV vaccine candidate Phase 3 trial will focus on older adults

Pfizer RSV vaccine candidate Phase 3 trial will focus on older adults

Pfizer has announced the third phase of clinical candidates for the RSV vaccine for older adults. The company called the third phase test ‘Renoir,’ noted that he involves giving RSVPref’s vaccine candidates to adults aged 60 and older. The company anticipates registering around 30,000 participants for Renoir Phase 3 to study the efficacy and safety of vaccines.

Respiratory Virus Syncytial (RSV) is a common and very contagious virus that can cause severe infections, potentially deadly, in older adults, and babies and anyone who has a compromised immune system. At this point, there are no vaccines available to help prevent viruses or reduce their severity; About 14,000 older adults die of viruses every year.

Pfizer vaccine candidates have worked for a long time. The FDA provides a company’s fast track status for vaccine candidates at the end of 2018. The company reported “positive top-line results” from the 2B-of-Concept Phase 2B study again in April 2020, was followed by the newest in phase 2a in July 2021.

Phase 2A studies look into efficacy, security, and immunogenicity of RSVPref vaccine candidates in healthy adults aged 18 to 50 years. Pfizer plans to share the results of this phase in the future. Phase 3 Renoir, meanwhile, will focus on older adults who are the most vulnerable to RSV.

Renoir will, according to Pfizer, focuses on whether the vulcinical candidate can help prevent moderate and severe RSV infections in older adults. The trial will be randomized, controlled by placebo, and double-blind, taking place with participants throughout the world. The trial came right at the start of the next RSV season, which began in the beginning of the fall.

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