The next Apple Watch is forming well, at least as far as rumors and leaks go. Apart from the absence of a completely new health sensor, Apple Watch Series 7 will be sporting some of the largest design changes that the company has ever made for the smartwatch line. Unfortunately, these changes might also be blamed due to their delays, because various sources claim that Apple and its manufacturing partners have achieved obstacles in production that can force the company to push the launch of Apple Watch 7 a little.
Changes to the Apple Watch Series design will be more than aesthetic. In addition to the flat edge, the SmartWatch screen will also be more average than usual. It will also use different laminate technology to bring the display closer to the glass cover.
And then there is a new size, bigger that Apple Watch will come, 41mm and 45mm right. Overall, these new factors seem to increase the complexity of Apple Watch to the point which are more or less new areas, even for old producers. The Nikkei reported that after carrying out small-scale production, the assemblies had realized that they did not get satisfactory results.
It forces Apple to pause planned production and work with its suppliers to sort out design problems and certification. However, because of the ongoing Covid-19 restriction, it is not easy for people involved in flying back and forth to do the design. Such snags only appear after the test production begins, which causes further delays.
Bloomberg noted that this would not be the first time Apple experienced a production setback, and still had several options available to adjust. Apple Watch Series 7 is expected to be announced in the coming weeks, but its availability can be pushed into a date later. It has happened recently with the iPhone 12 and even by watching Apple first, so it is clearly a reasonable scenario that can be heard by prospective buyers.