Amazing new Apple Watch features just leaked, but not for the Series 7

Amazing new Apple Watch features just leaked, but not for the Series 7

ACOUPLE This week’s report said that the Apple Watch Series 7 complex design might lead to manufacturing delays. One of them indicates that the Apple Watch 2021 model will display a blood pressure sensor, even though a person in saying there is no “no chance” for that happening this year. However, Apple is trying to add more sophisticated health features to Apple Watch. This includes monitoring hypertension, checking temperature, detecting sleep apnea, and reading blood sugar. Such health tracking features need more research, and some of them may require FDA approval before launching to commercial devices such as Apple Watch.

Apple watch blood pressure sensor

People who are familiar with plans have told the Wall Street Journal about the upcoming Apple Watch health features. In addition, the journal said the internal company document also proved Apple’s interest in this new health sensor.

Apple plans to bring blood pressure reading to Apple Watch as soon as next year, but there is no guarantee in time. Reading blood pressure requires inflatable cufflinks and high levels of accuracy. Hypertension affects as many as 108 million Americans. This is a severe condition that requires the right monitoring and treatment.

Apple Watch will not feature a inflatable band. Instead, Apple is looking at measuring the speed of the wave, the heartbeat sends through the arteries to estimate blood pressure.

Initially, reading would only show users of the blood pressure level trend without providing initial measurements for systolic and diastolic reading that appeared on traditional blood pressure devices.

Apple also studied blood pressure devices without cufflinks, which will provide reading without pumping. However, his work is still at the initial stage.

Apple wants to measure more than blood pressure

The future Apple Watch device will have additional health monitoring features, journal reports. This includes tracking conditions related to other hearts. One of them may monitor irregular heart rhythms such as atrial fibrillation. The current watch model can detect Afib in patients who are not diagnosed. But it is not suitable for tracking his condition.

Apple will require approval from the FDA to expand the functionality of AFIB monitoring on Apple Watch.

Blood sugar sensor

Monitoring blood sugar levels will be a big victory for devices such as Apple Watch, just like monitoring blood pressure. Diabetes is a condition that afflicts millions of people around the world, and care requires frequent blood glucose readings. This procedure is invasive, which is why the passive apple witnessed a blood glucose sensor sounded very exciting.

The journal reports that Apple is struggling with technology, which is in the early stages.

Use Note Apple for Fertility Planning

Separately, Apple was learning to add a thermometer to the wrist. The sensor will have immediate medical use, according to Apple’s plans reportedly. It can provide instructions on their ovulation cycle when the feature is launched next year.

At the end of the road, the temperature sensor can detect fever.

Detect Sleep Apnea with Apple Wristers

Also, Apple wants to use blood oxygen sensors at Apple Watch to detect sleep apnea. The challenge is knowing when to do readings at night. This feature can dry the battery, people in telling journals. Also, many Apple Watch users recharge Apple Watch last night, which means they will not be able to take advantage of the Sleep Apnea detection feature.

Apple also wants to increase Apple’s watch capabilities to track sleep patterns. This enhanced bed tracking feature, Afib monitoring, and fertility features may also be launched in 2022.

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