The launch of the Galaxy Watch 4 is also carried with a new exynos chip designed for devices that can be used. Built in the 5NM process, the Exynos W920 promised to be the most powerful and most energy-efficient platform for smartwatches today, although only available for Samsung SmartWatches. Qualcomm is expected to immediately reply with Snapdragon Wear 5100, but, based on new but unofficial information, it can be a little DS in at least one aspect.
Snapdragon uses 5100, if it really will be his name, first look last month in the Qualcomm source code itself. There are almost no details available, but some of the allegations suggest it will be based on the Snapdragon platform that uses four Cores-A73 cortex and four cortex-A53. Naturally, it is expected that Qualcomm will choose a stronger core, but it might not happen.
According to Winfuture information, Snapdragon Wear 5100 will use four core Cortex-A53, similar to Snapdragon Wear 4100/4100 +, although the right clock speed is not provided. That means it will still use a 12nm low power process as a chipset that can be used last year, which will technically fall behind the Exynos W920 in terms of raw performance and power efficiency. There are still “ultra low” processors to handle more rough tasks to save battery life.
It is not to say that the chipset will not see an important increase. It seems to be able to support more and faster RAM, up to 2GB of LPDDR4x, and storage at 8GB and 16GB capacity. Qualcomm also tests support for 5MP and 16MP camera sensors, but it doesn’t properly translate to smartwatches with the camera.
Tere is no date when the Snapdragon Wear 5100 is set to appear, but it might not matter if the SmartWatch maker still only adopts Snapdragon Wear 4100 now. The situation did not paint overall exciting images when using OS SmartWatches continued to lag behind Apple and Samsung devices.