Paranigal Gavanikkavum Release Date: Paranigal Gavanikkavum is the official remake of the Malayalam Vikruthi movie. Payanigal Gavanikkavum directed by SP Shakthivel and Vidharth played a major role in the film. However, this film jumped over the release of the theater and headed to the release of OTT and the film would be about the OTT room on April 28, 2022, at AHA Tamil.
Paranigal Gavanikkavum is the story based on a true incident that occurs on the Metro train. Where a defective man becomes a sensation of the internet after sharing a Meto Traine video, the incident changes social life and personal life.
Payanigal Gavanikkavum Movie OTT Release Date, Digital Rights, and Satellite Rights
Payanigal Gavanikkavum will regarding the OTT room on April 28, 2022, at AHA Tamil and Vidaarth is the main leas and this film is the official Remake Malayalam Vikruthi.
Cast & Crew
Paranigal Gavanikkavum Starring Vidaarth, Masoom Shankar, and others, the film was directed by SP Shakthivel, cinematography carried out by Pandikumar, and music had been carried out by Shamanth Nag, and this film was produced by T. Vijaya Raghavendra and films supported by AHA. Tamil.
Payanigal Gavanikkavum Movie OTT Release Date, Digital Rights, and Satellite Rights
Payanigal Gavanikkavum will regarding the OTT room on April 28, 2022, at AHA Tamil and Vidaarth is the main leas and this film is the official Remake Malayalam Vikruthi.