The room is a crowded place. The satellite is dead and other space debris orbits our planet, making it complicated to plan a new launch and endanger the existing mission. Cleaning these debris is a big challenge, however, one private company Astroscale works to overcome end-of-life services with astroscale-demonstration (Elsa-D).
Elsa-d was launched earlier this year to show the use of technology for space cleaning missions. The spacecraft featuring client spacecraft and servicer united by “mechanical locking mechanism,” according to Astroscale. The first phase in this demonstration involves unlocking the mechanism so that the Elsa-D magnetic capture system is the only thing that holds a demonstration client to the provider.
In this last phase, which was announced as a success in the past few days, the Astroscale team had the waiter releasing demonstration clients so that it could be captured back in space using a magnetic capture system. This achievement validates that the mechanism of arrest, opening the way for the remaining five phases.
The next phase of the mission will involve capturing client spacecraft from a larger distance without falling; After that, the same step will be shown, but by falling. Another arrest demonstration will occur after it, simulates search for space debris, followed by an approach and arrest.
With the arrest phase out, Astroscale will wrap this mission with orbit phases and closeout. The next arrest demonstration is scheduled for “the coming months,” according to the company, which can be one day after debris cleaning services for customers.